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13 April 2016

ESCO Online Consultation Optical Engineering

Dear Fotonika21 partners,

we received the information below at an online consultation launched by ESCO to improve the transparency of occupations, skills and qualifications in the Optical engineering subsector.

The online consultation is open until Friday, 15 April 2015.

We invite you to  contribute your views.


ESCO Online Consultation Optical Engineering

29 March 2016

Synergies between European Structural Investment Funds (ESIF) & Research and Innovation Funding: The Stairway to Excellence April 6th, 2016 - Ljubljana & Implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategies April 7th, 2016 - Ljubljana

Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport in Služba vlade RS za razvoj in evropsko kohezijsko politiko, skupaj s Skupnim raziskovalnim središčem Evropske Komisije (DG JRC) ter DG REGIO, vabita na nacionalni dogodek Sinergije med evropskimi strukturnimi in investicijskimi skladi (ESIF) & Financiranje raziskav in inovacij: Na poti k odličnosti in Implementacija Strategije pametne specializacije (S3).

Nacionalni dogodek se bo odvijal 6. in 7. aprila 2016, v konferenčni dvorani Plečnik 4, v hotelu Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana Mons, Pot za Brdom 4, Ljubljana.

Stairway to Excellence (S2E) projekt se osredotoča na podporo evropskim regijam in državam članicam pri krepitvi sinergij pri uporabi različnih virov financiranja EU za raziskave, razvoj in inovacije, kot so Evropski strukturni in investicijski skladi (ESIF), Obzorje 2020, COSME, ERASMUS +, Creative Europe in drugi.

Dogodek je namenjen razpravi med nacionalnimi in regionalnimi oblikovalci politik, nacionalnimi kontaktnimi osebami okvirnih programov, predstavniki Evropske komisije, tujimi eksperti, pristojnimi oblastmi za Pametno specializacijo, izbranimi zainteresiranimi deležniki različnih institucij, slovenskimi raziskovalci ter podjetji. Dogodek se bo osredotočal na dve tematski področji in sicer (1) ozaveščanje o ukrepih, ki so potrebni, da se omogoči sinergije med različnimi programi financiranja EU in (2) izmenjavi dobrih praks z združevanjem sredstev iz strukturnih skladov, nacionalnih virov in okvirnega programa za izboljšanje odličnosti v sistemih R & R.

Delavnica Implementacija Strategije pametne specializacije (S3), je »Prispevek k povezovanju inovacijskih aktivnosti v izbranih S3 prioritetnih področjih«, in se bo odvijala 7. Aprila 2016. Delavnica podpira trans-regionalno sodelovanje na S3 prioritetnih področjih, z vizijo doseganja določenih prednosti pri sodelovanju s pomembnimi evropskimi deležniki. Na dogodku bodo predstavljena in obravnavana področja: Pametne zgradbe in dom z lesno verigo, Mreže za prehod v krožno gospodarstvo, ter Pametna mesta in skupnosti.

Več o dogodku: http://www.mizs.gov.si/si/obzorje2020/informativni_dnevi_konference_in_drugi_dogodki/informativni_dnevi_konference_in_drugi_dogodki_2016/s2e_in_s3p

Dnevni red: http://www.mizs.gov.si/fileadmin/mizs.gov.si/pageuploads/Znanost/doc/Horizon_2020/doc/Inforamtivni_dnevni/2016_S3/S2E_-_S3P_Slovenia_6-7_4_16-Draft_Agenda.pdf

(Prvi dan - teme: Sinergije med finančnimi instrumenti, inovativno javno naročanje, EIT, EARTO, SRIP,  državne pomoči...)
(Drugi dan - teme: SRIP, Pametne zgradbe in dom z lesno verigo, Mreže za prehod v krožno gospodarstvo,  Pametna mesta in skupnosti...)

Dogodek bo potekal v angleškem jeziku. Link na objavo na spletnih straneh DG JRC, Evropska komisija: http://s3platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu/-/s2e-national-event-slovenia

Z namenom lažje organizacije je predvidena predhodna registracija: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/S2E_Slovenia_Event_Registration ali na elektronski naslov tina.usaj@gov.si.

22 March 2016

MRGT razpisi

Poleg trenutno odprtega razpisa »RRI v verigah in mrežah vrednosti« (rok za oddajo vlog: 15. 4. 2016), je MGRT do konca leta 2016 napovedal še nekaj potencialno zanimivih razpisov. Seznam najdete na naslednji povezavi.

03 March 2016

“Photonics is at the heart of our Digitisation strategy” states Commissioner Oettinger

Brussels – Duesseldorf, March 3rd, 2016 - “Photonics provides a competitive edge for every industry", were confident words from Commissioner Günther Oettinger, who opened the General Assembly of the Photonics Public Private Partnership Annual Meeting 2016, with his keynote speech ‘Photonics for the successful digitization of European Industry’.

Setting photonics at the heart of a successful Digitization of Industry, Commissioner Oettinger was clear in his purpose, saying: "5G, Robotics and Factories of the future all depend on photonics and working in a strategic partnership."

Oettinger believes the Public Private Partnership must be central to strategy in delivering the European Digitization of Industry. "We must adopt a wholesale approach: every sector has a competitive role to play in the Digitization of Industry"

Commissioner Oettinger paid homage to the platform celebrating a decade of innovation and fostering of photonics talent. "Who would have thought ten years ago that membership would be over 2500? The Photonics PPP is the only place in Europe where all members of the Photonics community come together".

Photonics21 president and CEO of Jenoptik AG, Michael Mertin, recalled the success of the PPP platform, with membership in excess of 2500, but also the good work taking place in Europe through photonics. Mertin focused on the importance of photonics in a world context, making convincing calls to ensure Europe stays at the centre of the global photonics market through its critical input into the Digitization of Industry.

Mertin believes that "the most promising field for photonics as key enabling technology lies within the megatrend of digitization, which will certainly have a tremendous impact on factors that shape a nation's future economic and competitive edge" said Mertin. "What I am convinced of is that the rising tide of digitization will induce fundamental changes to classic global economic structures and business models as well as to our private lives"

Wolfgang Boch, Head of the Photonics Unit, DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology, of the European Commission addressed the assembly on the progress made in the Photonics Public Private Partnership and outlined the opportunities and challenges ahead.

Dr Wolfgang Maier, Director of Hardware Development IBM, informed the photonics community on leading digital transformation and the advantages to be exploited in the most recent developments in computing.

Keynote Speech "Photonics for the successful digitization of European Industry" at the Photonics21 PPP annual meeting on the 1st of March 2016

01 February 2016

Photonics Austria Meeting in Villach, Carinthia on 23 February, 2016

We invite you to a joint meeting of the Austrian Technology Platforms for Photonics and Photovoltaics on the 23rd of February, 2016 at CTR Carinthian Tech Research (Europastraße 12, Technologiepark Villach, 9524 Villach / St. Magdalen) from 13:00 onwards. We plan to discuss the topics "Durability of LED and Photovoltaic Modules", "Laser Production Technology for Photovoltaics" as well as “Building integrated LED and Photovoltaics", which are still in development. Firstly we will have Key notes for the relevant topic and afterward will discuss them in facilitated workshops with the aim to find common innovative topics and to network. We expect about 40-50 participants from all over Austria (and more from Slovenia), mostly with an innovation background and in leading positions in their respective companies.

Preliminary Agenda:

12:30 - 13:00 Come-together at CTR with drinks and nibbles
13:00 - 13:15 Welcome and introduction to the goals of the networking event
13:15 - 13:45 Matching: short presentations of the platforms, companies and research organisations (competencies, interests, projects … ~5min / participant, max. 3 slides)13:45 - 15:30 Key notes: "Technologies at the crossroads of Photonics und Photovoltaics"

Coffee break

16:15 - 16:45 Facilitated discussion in smaller groups in regards to the presented topics (possible development of topics for future R&I initiatives)
16:45 - 17:15 Short presentation of findings
17:15 - 17:45 Photonics in SloveniaFrom
17:45  Lab tour at CTR

From 19:00  Networking dinner at the Gasthof Kramer in Villach

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